Protect Penalty Rates

Protect Penalty Rates


Hundreds of thousands of Australian workers rely on penalty rates to make ends meet. But now, business lobby groups and some of our MPs are trying to strip them away.

Penalty rates are compensation for working unsociable hours, and they’re also often the only thing helping workers make ends meet. Axing penalty rates for hundreds of thousands of our lowest paid workers will have a devastating impact on families right across the country.

The SDA’s Protect Penalty Rates campaign aims to fight the moves to rob workers of their take-home pay, and keep our penalty rates secure.

Penalty rates are vital compensation for working unsociable hours, and they’re often the only thing helping workers make ends meet. A cut to penalty rates is a cut to take home pay that workers can’t afford and don’t deserve.

You can find out more at the Protect Penalty Rates website


Visit the Protect Penalty Rates Website


Join the Campaign to Protect Your Penalty Rates

Our weekend penalty rates are under threat. Add your voice to the call for penalty rates for weekend workers to be protected.