The year 2014 started on a high note. The SDA made a historic breakthrough in winning the adult rate of pay for 20-year-old workers in the retail industry. Unfortunately, after that victory a number of very negative events occurred in 2014.
Domestic/family violence is an abuse of power by a partner, ex-partner or family member which can take many forms including intimidation, control, isolation and emotional, physical, sexual or financial abuse. Domestic/family violence not only impacts the home, it impacts all aspects of our community, including workplaces.
The SDA is concerned about an increasing number of reports of employers trying to: direct workers to certain doctors; be present during the medical consultation; and/or influence the medical treatment of ill and injured workers.
It has been a very eventful past few months. It started off slowly, with school until 31 July and then my Summer holidays began. They were mostly spent cleaning and helping my host family, going out with my host sister and friends, and of course walking my neighbour’s dog, Yukon.
The SDA negotiates with a large number of companies to make Enterprise Agreements. Enterprise Agreements are negotiated terms and conditions of employment within a company or organisation. When negotiating an Agreement, the SDA acts as a representative of all of its members within a company.
Superannuation is a long-term investment strategy, and all funds bounce around over shorter time frames, reflecting monthly movements in their investment markets.
Federal Liberal Government Starts Review of Industrial Relations System
13 Feb 2015
Penalty Rates, Minimum Wage, Individual Contracts, Unfair Dismissal Laws, Awards, Enterprise Agreements and the Independent Umpire (the Fair Work Commission) are all up for grabs