Recent news items and publications regarding issues important to our members can be viewed below.
Older articles can be accessed through the ‘Archive’ tab, on the right hand side of the page.
Why the Annual Wage Review Matters
20 Dec 2024
A key role of the SDA and the broader union movement is to negotiate for better wages and conditions. One way we do this is through the Annual Wage Review.
Susan Hudak is still going strong at the impressive age of 90! Not only is she still working full-time, she also celebrated being one of our longest-serving members, with an incredible 52 years of dedication to the SDA.
After years of campaigning by the SDA, the Victorian Labor Government will introduce new laws to protect retail and fast-food workers from assault and abuse.
The SDA has been calling on all state governments to introduce strong protections for retail workers against abusive and violent customers since 2020.
Since that time, we’ve seen New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory introduce new protections — Victoria will soon join these jurisdictions!
Great news! The Labor Government has secured the passage of new workplace laws through Parliament, guaranteeing stronger rights for millions of workers.
On 27 March, a delegation of SDA members, including young supporters of superannuation for under-18s, visited Parliament House as part of the SDA’s ‘Super on Every Dollar’ campaign.
This campaign seeks to ensure that all workers under 18 receive superannuation payments for every hour they work, which is only fair.
Workload and job demands are causing stress and impacting the health and safety of workers. Therefore, it’s vital to have clear data and examples from the shop-floor about the issue before approaching employers or finding solutions through legislative change.